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Avoiding Construction Defect Claims

Construction defect claims are a common risk architects, engineers and contractors face with every project they take on. A construction defect claim occurs when a building system or component fails and is often the result of improper installation, design or material selection.

Not only are these claims incredibly costly to correct and defend, they can also damage your reputation and negatively impact future opportunities. To protect your firm from a construction defect claim and manage your overall risk, consider doing the following:

  • Keep up with current building codes and standards.
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for every product you use. Be sure to examine warranties and understand the limitations of the materials you use in construction projects.
  • Pre-qualify the subcontractors you hire. Above all, ensure that the individuals and organizations you choose to partner with have the proper credentials, experience and skills to deliver a quality finished product.
  • Seek legal counsel to ensure that all of your contracts are airtight and protect you against errors committed by outside parties.
  • Document the construction process. This will ensure that you have a solid record of materials and practices used during a project, which will come in handy in the event of a claim.
  • Implement a quality assurance/quality control program (QA/QC). QA/QC programs provide a set of standards that ensure a project is built correctly or performs as designed.

In general, the best way to avoid a construction defect claim is through quality construction. Be sure to work only with architects, engineers and contractors who have good reputations and track records. In addition, plan and perform work in the correct sequence and with proper supervision.

Keeping in mind the above tips will ensure that your projects run smoothly and are completed to a high standard of quality.

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Preventing Workplace Violence

As with most other risks, prevention of workplace violence begins with planning. It is easier to persuade managers to focus on the problem after a violent act has taken place than it is to get them to act before anything has happened. The more difficult the decision to plan in advance, the more logical it is. Any organization, large or small, will be more able to spot potential dangers and defuse them before violence develops and will be able to manage a crisis if its executives have considered the issue beforehand and have prepared policies, practices and structures to deal with it.

Forming a Workplace Violence Strategy

In forming an effective workplace violence strategy, important principles include:

  • There must be support from the top. If a company’s senior executives are not truly committed to a preventive program, it is unlikely to be effectively implemented.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. Effective plans may share a number of features, but a good plan must be tailored to the needs, resources and circumstances of a particular employer and a particular work force.
  • A plan should be proactive, not reactive.
  • A plan should take into account the workplace culture: work atmosphere, relationships, traditional management styles, etc. If there are elements in that culture that appear to foster a toxic climate—tolerance of bullying or intimidation, lack of trust among workers or between workers and management, high levels of stress, frustration and anger, poor communication, inconsistent discipline and erratic enforcement of company policies—these should be called to the attention of top executives for remedial action.
  • Planning for and responding to workplace violence calls for expertise from a number of perspectives. A workplace violence prevention plan will be most effective if it is based on a multidisciplinary team approach.
  • Managers should take an active role in communicating the workplace violence policy to employees. They must be alert to warning signs and know the violence prevention plan and response. They must also seek advice and assistance when there are indications of a problem.
  • Practise your plan. No matter how thorough or well-conceived, preparation won’t do any good if an emergency happens and no one remembers or carries out what was planned. Training exercises must include senior executives who will be making decisions in a real incident. Exercises must be followed by careful evaluation and changes to fix whatever weaknesses have been revealed.
  • Re-evaluate, rethink and revise. Policies and practices should not be set in stone. Personnel, work environments, business conditions and society all change and evolve. A prevention program must change and evolve with them.

The components of a workplace violence prevention program can include:

  • A statement of the employer’s violence policy and complementary policies such as those regulating harassment and drug and alcohol use
  • A physical security survey and assessment of premises
  • Procedures for addressing threats and threatening behaviour
  • Designation and training of an incident response team
  • Access to outside resources, such as threat assessment professionals
  • Training of different management and employee groups
  • Crisis response measures
  • Consistent enforcement of behavioural standards, including effective disciplinary procedures.

Written Workplace Violence Policy Statement

Here an employer sets the standard for acceptable workplace behaviour. The statement should affirm the company’s commitment to a safe workplace, employees’ obligation to behave appropriately on the job and the employer’s commitment to take action on any employee’s complaint regarding harassing, threatening and violent behaviour. The statement should be in writing and distributed to employees at all levels.

In defining acts that will not be tolerated, the statement should make clear that not just physical violence but threats, bullying, harassment and possession of weapons are against company policy and are prohibited.

Preventive Practices

Preventive measures can include pre-employment screening, identifying problem situations and risk factors and security preparations:

  • Pre-employment Screening. Identifying and screening out potentially violent people before hiring is an obvious means of preventing workplace violence. Pre-employment screening practices must, however, be consistent with privacy protections and antidiscrimination laws.

A thorough background check can be expensive and time-consuming. The depth of pre-employment scrutiny will vary according to the level and sensitivity of the job being filled, the policies and resources of the prospective employer and possibly differing legal requirements in different provinces. However, as an applicant is examined, the following can raise red flags:

  • A history of drug or alcohol abuse
  • Past conflicts (especially if violence was involved) with co-workers
  • Past convictions for violent crimes

Other red flags can include a defensive, hostile attitude, a history of frequent job changes and a tendency to blame others for problems.

Identifying Problem Situations and Risk Factors of Current Employees

Problem situations—circumstances that may heighten the risk of violence—can involve a particular event or employee, or the workplace as a whole.

No “profile” or litmus test exists to indicate whether an employee might become violent. Instead, it is important for employers and employees alike to remain alert to problematic behaviour that, in combination, could point to possible violence. No one behaviour in and of itself suggests a greater potential for violence, but all must be looked at in totality.

Risk factors at times associated with potential violence include personality conflicts (between co-workers or between worker and supervisor), a mishandled termination or other disciplinary action, bringing weapons onto a work site, drug or alcohol use on the job or a grudge over a real or imagined grievance. Risks can also stem from an employee’s personal circumstances—breakup of a marriage or romantic relationship, other family conflicts, financial or legal problems or emotional disturbance.

Other problematic behaviour can include, but is not limited to:

  • Increasing belligerence
  • Ominous, specific threats
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism
  • Recent acquisition of/fascination with weapons
  • Apparent obsession with a supervisor, co-worker or employee grievance.
  • Preoccupation with violent themes
  • Interest in recently publicized violent events
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Extreme disorganization
  • Noticeable changes in behaviour
  • Homicidal/suicidal comments or threats

Though a suicide threat may not be heard as threatening to others, it is nonetheless a serious danger sign. Some extreme violent acts are in fact suicidal—wounding or killing someone else in the expectation of being killed, a phenomenon known in law enforcement as “suicide by cop.” In addition, many workplace shootings often end in suicide by the offender.


Employee training on ways to respond to and report incidents of workplace violence is necessary, but not a sufficient condition for prevention of workplace violence. Training should increase awareness of workplace violence risks, emphasize the importance of adhering to protective administrative controls and encourage employees to immediately report any suspicious or threatening behaviour. While training is only one component of a successful comprehensive workplace violence prevention program, preventive adjustments by management are equally important.

© Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved

Highlights from the 2018-19 Federal Budget

The Liberal government recently released its 2018-19 federal budget, which is largely aligned with Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s forecast from October 2017. Overall, the budget aims to narrow the deficit to $18.1 billion; however, there is no target date for a return to balance. The fiscal plan heavily emphasizes gender equality while scaling back $7.2 billion of the government’s infrastructure program.

Businesses and individuals should be aware of major budgetary items, as some changes could have a significant impact moving forward. Major takeaways include the following:

  • The deficit—The budget notes that the federal deficit will be $18.1 billion in 2018-19. This figure includes a $3 billion risk adjustment buffer and will likely decline slowly over the next several years.
  • Parental leave—The government is proposing a $1.2 billion investment over five years to create a five-week “use-it-or-lose-it” incentive for new fathers to take parental leave. The benefit would increase employment insurance (EI) parental leave to a maximum of 40 weeks in cases where the second parent agrees to take at least five weeks off. The budget also allocates $90 million over three years to ensure that claimants continue to receive timely and accurate benefit payments. Other EI changes of note include the following:
    • -Employees will now be able to work while receiving EI benefits. This is especially helpful for those looking to return to work progressively.
    • -The government will re-examine phone and online services for the Canada Revenue Agency, the Canadian Border Services Agency and the EI program in hopes of improving them overall.
  • Tax changes—The 2018-19 budget includes a number of tax-related provisions, including the following:
    • -There will be a gradual reduction in access to small business tax rates, particularly for corporations with significant passive investments. When companies earn between $50,000 and $150,000 in a given year from passive investments, a reduced amount of their active business income will be eligible for the small business tax rate (9 per cent starting in 2019).
    • -New measures will limit tax advantages for larger, private corporations. Together with restrictions on income sprinkling, this change will add $925 million annually to government reserves by 2022.
    • -New rules will prevent banks and other financial institutions from gaining a tax advantage through artificial losses. This is expected to generate $560 million by 2022.
  • Canada Workers Benefit—The budget proposes a revamped tax credit program to increase the take-home pay of low-income workers. This program, which begins in 2019, will be known as the Canada Workers Benefit and is designed to increase maximum benefits as well as raise the income level at which benefits are phased out. Under the Canada Workers Benefit, a single parent or couple earning $25,000 a year could receive as much as $717 more from the program in 2019 than in 2018.
  • Gender equality—In order to promote equality, new funding is included in the budget to encourage both parents to share in parental leave. In addition, the budget emphasizes proactive pay equity legislation. This includes a $3 million investment over five years for pay transparency measures aimed at closing the wage gap among federal workers and in federally regulated sectors.
  • Infrastructure—While the government has said infrastructure spending is the key to boosting Canada’s growth rate, $7.2 billion will be moved out of the previous year’s budget to fund other departmental spending. Chief among the reallocated dollars, the government announced a $4 billion investment in benefits for veterans. Despite scaling back, the government will resume infrastructure spending in the 2019-20 year when the government projects $1.4 billion in additional spending across three different programs.
  • National drug program—The 2018-19 budget sets aside funds to establish the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare. This council will be led by Eric Hoskins, a former Ontario health minister, and will explore the pros and cons of a national drug program. Experts estimate that the government’s plan to provide Canadians with drug coverage could cost $20.4 billion annually.
  • Research, science and innovation—To encourage innovation, the budget includes a $4 billion investment in Canada’s research system. These funds will be used to give scientists and researchers access to new tools, technology and facilities. As part of this investment, the government is looking to simplify its innovation programs and create a simple system for entrepreneurs to receive guidance.
  • Cyber security—The budget allocates $508 million through 2022-24 to create a new Canadian Centre for Cyber Security.

In general, the 2018-19 budget continues the government’s focus on building the middle class. To learn more about the federal budget, click here.

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The Benefits of Crime Insurance

As a leader within your organization, you want to trust your employees and the people you do business with. However, no business is immune to the threat of crime and fraud. In fact, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that a business can expect to lose 5 per cent of its revenue to fraud each year.

Thankfully, companies can turn to crime insurance, which can provide the following benefits:

  • Coverage for the misuse of funds—It is likely that a number of your employees have access to company funds or financial information. In some cases, employees may abuse this access for personal gain. Crime insurance can protect organizations from the misuse or illegal transfer of funds, ensuring your finances are safe from internal criminal acts.
  • Extortion safeguards—While it can be difficult to imagine, employees and outside actors can extort a company for funds by holding a director or officer hostage or through other illegal methods. Without crime insurance, your organization would have no means to recoup these losses, which could devastate your bottom line.
  • Reimbursement for computer fraud—Computers and emerging technologies have made it easier for employees to carry out crimes against their employers. Crime insurance can provide a crucial layer of protection for any money or securities lost via computer fraud, which is an important piece to an effective cyber risk management program.
  • Coverage for forgery and alteration—Your employees may have access to cheques that they can easily alter for their own gain. Crime insurance policies provide coverage for losses that result from the forgery or alteration of a cheque.

The only way to ensure your company has the protection it needs is through crime insurance. To discuss your unique risks and to learn more about crime insurance policies, contact your insurance broker.

© Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved

Addressing Sexual Misconduct Allegations with Insurance

Allegations of sexual misconduct against politicians, celebrities and other public figures have become increasingly common in recent years. In fact, social movements and a strong public outcry have led to a marked increase in sexual harassment claims—claims that can be incredibly damaging for organizations themselves.

When these claims arise, organizations are expected to handle them quickly and tactfully, while respecting the weight of the situation and the wishes of the alleged victim. What’s more, alleged sexual misconduct, regardless of whether it is against an executive or employee, can result in a wide variety of claims against a company and lead to serious reputational damages.

As such, companies need to handle these situations with great care and be prepared with the proper insurance. Because no single insurance policy provides coverage for every type of claim that may result from misconduct allegations, policyholders should examine a variety of coverages to ensure they have protection when they need it most.

Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Insurance

When it comes to protecting your organization against alleged sexual misconduct claims brought about by employees, EPL insurance is often the best source of coverage. Specifically, EPL insurance can provide protection for employment-related misconduct claims.

Most policies cover claims for sexual harassment, wrongful termination, discrimination and retaliation. In some cases, policies can provide coverage for additional employment-related claims, including defamation. EPL insurance can also protect against claims made by non-employees, like vendors or customers.

It should be noted that EPL insurance often excludes claims that allege bodily injury. Therefore, in the event that a claimant alleges both verbal and physical harassment, an EPL policy may only provide partial coverage.

General Liability Insurance

General liability policies are designed to protect businesses from claims related to bodily injury or property damage for which your business is found to be legally liable. In some situations, general liability policies can be used in sexual harassment claims. Specifically, general liability insurance can provide coverage for claims alleging personal injury and defamation, which is useful in some misconduct lawsuits.

However, general liability policies have their drawbacks when it comes to defending sexual harassment claims. Often, unfair or discriminatory employment practices are not covered, which can include claims related to hiring and termination, demotion, reassignment, employee evaluations, discipline and harassment.

Essentially, if an employee alleges he or she was treated unfairly or that you acted illegally, a general liability policy will usually not respond.

Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance

Most directors and officers are surprised to learn that their own employees are one of the most common sources of D&O claims. In fact, if employees are mistreated during any phase of their employment, they may bring their concerns to the organization’s management team. If employees feel that their concerns have not been addressed in a satisfactory manner, they may seek legal action as a means of resolving their grievances.

Some of the most common employment practices claims against directors and officers include discrimination and sexual harassment.

It’s important to keep in mind that D&O coverage for sexual misconduct claims is ­limited by standard exclusions for bodily injury, which may extend to claims for mental anguish, humiliation and emotional distress, and wilful or intentional misconduct.

Crisis Management or Reputation Risk Insurance

In some cases, reputational fallout from a sexual harassment allegation can be more costly than litigation itself. Even if an allegation is handled gracefully, organizations can lose favour in the public eye, sometimes indefinitely.

Crisis management insurance and reputation risk insurance are two newer forms of coverage that can address the risks of negative publicity. In a basic sense, these policies provide the following:

  • Crisis management insurance—When a triggering event occurs, crisis management insurance often covers the costs of hiring of a public relations firm.
  • Reputation risk insurance—Reputation risk insurance generally provides coverage for actual business losses sustained as the result of a negative publicity event.

It should be noted that policy language for crisis management and reputation risk management insurance can vary widely. Depending on the type of coverage purchased, sexual misconduct-related events may or may not be covered, so it’s important to be specific and ask questions during the underwriting process.

A Layered Approach to Addressing Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Organizations are expected to take sexual misconduct claims seriously and examine their internal policies. In addition to securing the right coverage, it’s critical for companies to encourage a positive corporate culture and address sexual assault, harassment and discrimination claims directly.

Again, no one policy provides organizations with ample protection against sexual misconduct allegations. In order to remain protected, companies need to take a layered approach when it comes to insuring their business.

To learn more about the policies mentioned above and other effective risk management strategies, contact your insurance broker today.

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