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Category Archives: Cyber Risk Management

Federal Budget Details $600 Million Investment in Cyber Security

The federal government recently released its 2018-19 budget. Among other important allocations, the government announced an investment of more than $600 million in data privacy. Specifically, the budget calls for $507.7 million over the next five years and $108.8 million each year thereafter for a new national cyber security strategy to help protect Canadians and their sensitive personal information.

A portion of the funds—$155.2 million during the next five years and $44.5 million per year thereafter—will go toward establishing a new Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity. This centre will allow the government to consolidate its cyber expertise under one roof as well as establish a single source of advice, guidance, services and support on cyber security-related matters.

In addition to funding the creation of the Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity, the government will provide $236.5 million over the next five years and $41.2 million per year thereafter to support the national cyber security strategy. This strategy is designed to do the following:

  • Enhance the government’s ability to investigate, prepare for and respond to cyber crime.
  • Create a voluntary cyber-certification program to help students and businesses improve their cyber security.
  • Improve cyber security on a national level by working alongside provincial, territorial, private-sector and international partners.

To learn more about these and other investments, review the government’s website on the 2018-19 federal budget.

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Avoid Costly Phishing Scams

Phishing, a type of cyber attack in which hackers disguise themselves as a trusted source online in order to acquire sensitive information, is a common scam that can put your employees and business at risk. The Canadian Internet Registry Authority recently published a survey of businesses who use the .ca domain and found that 32 per cent of firms had unwittingly divulged sensitive information after falling for phishing tactics.

Falling for a spear phishing attack can give a hacker access to personal and financial information across an entire network. What’s more, successful spear phishing attacks oftentimes go unnoticed, which increases the risk of large and continued losses.

Though it is difficult to completely avoid the risks of spear phishing attacks, there are ways to prevent further damage to your business. Make sure that your employees are aware of these simple techniques:

  • Never send financial or personal information electronically, even if you know the recipient well.
  • Be cautious when you are asked to divulge personal or sensitive business information in an email. Even if it appears to be from a trusted source, it could be a hacker impersonating another person or group.
  • Only share personal information on secure websites or over the phone.
  • Never click on links or open attachments from unknown sources. In addition, encourage employees to think twice about what they post online.
  • Ensure that your company’s security software is up to date. Firewalls and antivirus software can help protect against spear phishing attacks.

It’s important to encourage employees to be overly cautious when it comes to preventing phishing scams. Together, these strategies can go a long way toward keeping your business safe.

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6 Cyber Security Topics to Watch

Business and government leaders need to be on constant alert for cyber attacks of all types. With the evolution of cyber threats each year, there are specific threats to focus on for this year. Here are six cyber security trends to watch right now:

  1. Cryptocurrency—This is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. With many people interested in ways to capitalize on cryptocurrency, it is important to realize that the market is very volatile and highly susceptible to fraud and cyber attacks. Some experts feel the cryptocurrency market needs better security and a way to guarantee losses from theft.
  2. Artificial intelligence (AI)—Cyber security professionals use AI software to identify and predict cyber threats. However, AI can also be used by cyber criminals against the same organizations that use it for protection.
  3. More multifactor authentication—Even though many companies fear that implementing multifactor authentication would negatively affect user experience, the growing concern about stolen passwords might convince them to implement it.
  4. Increased regulation—Businesses could face increased regulation as governments try to compete with the growing risk of data breaches and attacks on infrastructure. One example of such government efforts is the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe.
  5. Rise in state-sponsored attacks—Such attacks tend to be politically motivated. Instead of focusing on financial gain, the intent of these attacks is to acquire intelligence that can be used to obstruct the objectives of a political entity. Appropriate efforts to deter and respond to these attacks will be a key topic for policy-makers and businesses over the next decade.
  6. Increasing demand for a chief information security officer (CISO)—Due to the shortage of skilled cyber security professionals, many companies hire external cyber security services and virtual CISOs. This outsourcing is expected to continue until employers find ways to fill the skills gap.

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What the GDPR Means for Canadian Businesses

With the severity of cyber attacks increasing on what seems like a daily basis, governments are now stepping in to provide guidance and keep the general public both safe and informed.

In Canada, the Digital Privacy Act (DPA), which amends the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), is the federal law that dictates how organizations respond to and report data breaches. However, these are not the only cyber-related laws Canadian businesses have to contend with, as Europe’s data breach regulations can have a sweeping impact on international businesses of all kinds.

In fact, any organization that operates or sells in the European Union (EU) or manages EU-based information could face major fines if they fail to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As such, it’s crucial for organizations to have a general understanding of the GDPR and how to remain compliant.

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR, which comes into force May 25, 2018, is unique in that it is not simply limited to organizations that have a physical presence in the EU. Regardless of the location of a business, the GDPR applies to businesses that process personal data of EU-based individuals and:

  • Offer goods or services to an individual in the EU (even if those goods and services are offered at no charge)
  • Monitor the online behaviour of individuals from the EU

Based on these provisions, the GDPR can have a broad effect on organizations, regardless of their size, location or nature of operations. Effectively, those that trade in the EU or hold data of EU-based individuals must comply with the GDPR.

Fines and Compliance Requirements

Understanding the GDPR is important, especially when you consider that failing to comply can result in major fines and penalties—up to €20 million or 4 per cent of a company’s global annual turnover.

With the severity of these fines, just one GDPR violation can financially devastate an organization. That’s why it’s critical that companies understand what’s expected of them when it comes to GDPR compliance.

The following are five key features of the GDPR that businesses should be aware of:

1. Obligations for controllers and processors—The GDPR defines two distinct types of operations in its regulations—controllers and processors. The following are general definitions and standards that apply to these entities:

  • Controllers—Under the GDPR, any organization that collects, uses or discloses personal information of EU citizens may be considered a controller. Controllers are expected to protect the data of EU citizens and ensure that the processor who processes personal data on their behalf is also complying with GDPR rules. Controllers are also expected to conduct privacy impact assessments for any processing which is likely to result in a high risk and maintain records of all processing activities.
  • Processors—As mentioned above, processors process data on behalf of controllers. These entities must also implement appropriate safeguards, return or delete data once processing is complete, and notify the controller of any data breaches. Processors cannot subcontract any tasks without a controller’s permission.

2. Consent requirements—Per the GDPR, consent to process data must be given unambiguously by the owner of the data itself. Silence or inactivity does not constitute consent. In instances where an organization processes data for individuals under the age of 16, parental consent is required.

3. Mandatory data breach notifications—Following a data breach, affected individuals must be notified by the controller within 72 hours of the breach’s discovery. However, in instances where the breach could impact the rights and freedoms of affected individuals, the notification must be made without delay. Processors are also obligated to report the breach to the company that collects and/or controls the lost data.

4. Right to erasure—Per the GDPR, controllers are required to erase processed and/or stored personal data in the following situations:

If the data is no longer needed

If an individual objects to processing

If the processing was unlawful

5. Requirement for data protection officers—Under the GDPR, controllers and processors may be required to designate a data protection officer in the following scenarios:

  1. If data processing is carried out by a public authority or body
  2. If core activities involve regular and systematic monitoring of individuals on a large scale
  3. If core activities consist of large-scale processing of certain categories of data (i.e., data related to racial or ethnic origins, criminal convictions or political views)

While the above list outlines a number of the major GDPR considerations, it should not be used as a compliance guide. To review the final version of the regulation, helpful FAQs and summaries of key changes, visit the EU’s official website on the GDPR.

Ensuring Compliance

For organizations new to EU privacy laws, the GDPR can be overwhelming and confusing. Thankfully, Canadian businesses can do the following to ensure they are compliant and avoid potential fines:

  • Conduct a readiness assessment. Review the GDPR and determine if it applies to your business. If your organization determines that it’s subject to the GDPR, it’s important to evaluate how much EU data your business processes. Be sure to also examine the potential impact of the GDPR on your operations.
  • Identify compliance gaps. During your initial assessment, it’s important to identify any potential compliance gaps. In some cases, you may find that you are able to reduce your GDPR compliance burden by changing the way you store or track EU data.
  • Establish oversight. When it comes to GDPR governance, it’s important to take a structured approach. Continually document, model and coordinate potential GDPR issues and remediation strategies.
  • Implement a GDPR compliance program. After you’ve established key processes to identify compliance gaps, create a GDPR program to address potential concerns. This program should account for the following:
    • Governance
    • Policy management
    • Data life cycle management
    • Individual rights processing
    • Information security
    • Data breach management
    • Data processor accountability
    • Training and awareness
  • Remain prepared. Once your GDPR program is in place, conduct ongoing assessments to ensure continued compliance.

While the GDPR may be similar to PIPEDA and other privacy legislation in Canada, organizations should never assume compliance. Even if your business has well-defined data management practices and privacy policies in place, all organizations must review their current system for GDPR compliance issues and fill in any gaps.

Round Out Your Cyber Risk Management Program

In today’s environment, organizations process massive amounts of personal data every day. This data is a popular target for cyber criminals, and just one breach can result in serious financial losses and reputational damages.

If that weren’t enough, businesses that don’t respond to these incidents in accordance with federal and international privacy laws face hefty fines and penalties. To better protect your organization, it’s important to speak with a qualified insurance broker.

Not only can brokers provide general guidance on any applicable data breach laws, they can also help you round out your risk management programs with custom insurance policies.

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The Overlooked Physical Exposures of a Cyber Attack

More than ever before, organizations are aware of the potential financial impact of a cyber attack. Many wrongfully assume that the steep, monetary burden of a cyber attack is exclusively tied to damaged digital assets, lost records, and the price of investigating and reporting a breach. While those expenses represent a considerable hit, damage to an organization’s physical assets can be just as harmful.

Cyber attacks that cause physical damage typically occur when a hacker gains access to a computer system that controls equipment in a manufacturing plant, refinery, electric generating plant or similar operation. After the hacker gains access to an organization’s machinery, they can then control that equipment to damage it or other property.

These types of events can lead to major disruptions and costly damages. To safeguard their physical assets, it’s critical that organizations understand what types of businesses and assets are exposed to these attacks.

What’s At Risk?

To better understand what kinds of physical losses can occur following a breach, it’s helpful to compare cyber attacks to a natural disaster or other industrial accident. Following these kinds of incidents, organizations often incur costs to repair and replace damaged equipment in addition to any lost revenue caused by the disruption.

Unlike natural disasters, however, cyber attacks that cause physical damage aren’t limited to a geographic location and can impact an entire network. This means that damages caused by a breach can be widespread, affecting multiple sectors of the economy depending on the target.

Because of this, cyber attacks that cause physical damage are often dynamic and extensive. When an attack on critical infrastructure occurs, it not only affects business owners and operators, but suppliers, stakeholders and customers as well.

Who’s At Risk?

Cyber attacks that cause physical damage—the targets, the assailants, the motivations and the means of the attack—are constantly evolving. Incidents can occur in a variety of ways, including phishing scams, internet exchange point attacks, breaches of unsecured and unencrypted devices, and even plots carried out by rogue employees.

When discussing these attacks, many experts cite power and energy sector organizations as the most at-risk. However, vulnerabilities also exist in utilities, telecommunications, oil and gas, petrochemicals, mining and manufacturing, and any other sectors where industrial control systems (ICSs) are used.

ICSs are open computer systems used to monitor and control physical processes as well as streamline operations and repairs. ICSs are not often designed with security as a primary consideration, which leaves them susceptible to attack. What’s more, for many automated processes, attacks don’t even need to cause physical damage to result in significant disruption and losses.

So, when it comes to the emerging risk of cyber attacks that cause physical damage, targets vary by industry and the damages can be extensive due to the interconnected nature of ICSs.

Real-world Examples

Because organizations are not always required to make cyber attacks that cause physical damage public, they largely go unreported. However, the following are a number of high-profile incidents that demonstrate how important it is to consider physical and infrastructure cyber exposures:

  • Ukrainian power grid attack—This was a multistage, multi-site attack that disconnected seven 110 kV and three 35 kV substations. Together, the attack resulted in a power outage for 80,000 people and lasted for three hours. Using only a phishing scam, the attackers were able to cause substantial, prolonged disruption to the economy and general public.
  • Saudi Arabian computer attacks—In these incidents, hackers destroyed thousands of computers across six organizations in the energy, manufacturing and aviation industries. Through a simple virus aimed at stealing data, computers were wiped and bricked. Not only did this mean critical business data was lost forever, but all of the damaged computers had to be replaced—a substantial fee for businesses of any size. This attack was similar to an attack on Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, which destroyed 35,000 computers.
  • Petrochemical plant attack—This attack targeted a Saudi Arabian petrochemical plant. The attack was unique in that it wasn’t designed to steal data, but rather sabotage operations and trigger an explosion. The only thing that prevented an explosion was a mistake in the attackers’ computer code. Had the attack been successful, the plant would likely have been destroyed and many employees could have died. Experts are concerned that similar attacks could be carried out across the globe.
  • Hospital ventilation attack—In this incident, a hacker was able to damage and control a hospital’s HVAC system using malware. This attack put the safety of staff, patients and medical supplies in jeopardy, as the hacker could control the temperature of the facilities at will.

Attacks causing physical damage will likely become increasingly common as technology advances and hackers continue to get more creative. Even more concerning is that these kind of attacks not only endanger a company’s data, reputation and finances, but human lives as well.

How Do I Protect My Organization?

Insurance coverage for cyber attacks that cause physical damage is still in its infancy, and your organization may have gaps in protection. Even if your property insurance policy includes physical or non-physical damage coverages, that does not necessarily mean you’re covered from first or third-party losses from cyber attacks.

The level of protection your company has depends largely on the structure of your policies. As such, it’s critical for businesses to do their due diligence and understand if their policies do the following:

  • Impose any limits on coverage, particularly as it relates to physical damage of tangible property
  • Cover an attack and any resulting damages
  • Provide contingent coverage for attacks that aren’t specifically targeted at the organization

While it’s important to speak with a qualified insurance broker about your cyber risk policy options, there are a number of steps businesses can take by themselves to protect their physical assets. In addition implementing a cyber risk management plan, business should consider doing the following to protect their data:

  1. Keep all software up to date.
  2. Back up files regularly.
  3. Train employees on common cyber risks and what they should do if they notice anything suspicious.
  4. Review your exposures and speak with your insurance broker to discuss policy options for transferring risk.


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