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Category Archives: Insurance

Why Demand is on the Rise for IP Insurance

Intellectual property (IP) assets are now a cornerstone of the business world, making IP insurance more important than ever before. From the current state of the IP market to how IP insurance as a product is evolving, here are five top reasons behind the surge in demand.

The value of intangible assets increased by 8% in 2023 to $61.9 trillion, as inventors and creators worldwide seek exclusive rights to reap the benefits of their works. But there are two sides to this story. While intellectual property (IP) is playing an increasing role in the business world, businesses are becoming more vulnerable to new and evolving risks.

Step forwards IP insurance. Now seen as a vital part of risk management, many are turning to IP insurance for the protection—and confidence—to navigate this ever-changing landscape. Read on for five top reasons why the time is now for IP insurance.

  1. IP assets are vital to modern businessBe it patents, trademarks, copyrights or trade secrets, IP is now a significant asset for many businesses. Start-ups and SMEs in particular use IP as a foothold to gain market share and stave off competition, leading to heavy investment in both developing and protecting IP assets.

    As the value of these assets continues to grow, so do the risks. From infringement claims to challenges of ownership, businesses need confidence that their ideas will be protected effectively and fairly. Just as you wouldn’t leave physical assets with high value uninsured, intangible assets need protection too.

  2. IP disputes are everywhereMarkets are becoming more competitive and global, driving the number of IP disputes. Today, businesses can face all sorts of challenges from patent trolls and aggressive competitors to complex legal landscapes, raising the possibility of litigation action—both for businesses defending their IP and those facing an infringement claim.

    IP insurance provides a financial safety net in the event of a dispute. By covering legal expenses and potential damages, businesses can help mitigate the risks of costly litigation, empowering them to operate with confidence.

  3. Awareness for IP risks is growingConsidering IP’s growing role as a business asset and the IP disputes making headlines, it’s no surprise businesses and investors are becoming more aware of the risks associated with IP—including the financial implications of infringement claims and lawsuits.

    Nobody wants to think about making or facing a claim. But businesses simply can’t afford to leave their IP unprotected. This need is driving demand for insurance products that specifically address risks and provide protection against unforeseen legal expenses.

  4. IP markets are expandingIn this globalized world of multinational corporations, there’s a growing need to manage and protect IP assets in multiple jurisdictions, each potentially with its own set of rules and ways of doing things.

    This creates a more complex and costly endeavor compared to portfolios relating to a single legal system, raising the need for specialist support. As such, demand is growing for insurance products that cover different regions and legal systems.

  5. Insurance is evolving to keep paceThe IP landscape is changing fast, surfacing new risks for businesses everywhere. It’s vital that IP insurance matches this pace of change, by evolving to offer the broader cover that businesses need.

    CFC has designed a comprehensive IP insurance product that covers defense (incoming claims) and pursuit (outgoing claims). It features IP right protection coverages including invalidation, opposition and title rights, and ensures businesses have full protection right to the end by covering loss of IP rights and loss of future profits.

There’s never been a better time for IP insurance

The rise of IP insurance is not down to one factor alone. It’s more a response to converging trends, designed ultimately to empower businesses to protect their intangible assets the same way they do their physical ones. Only with comprehensive protection from a proactive insurance provider can businesses get the peace of mind to continue investing in IP creation, to not just survive but thrive in this ever-changing world.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com

Debunking Management Liability Insurance Myths

Management liability insurance is built to benefit all businesses, yet common myths can make them turn a blind eye. Here are the top five myths, debunked by CFC experts.

“I don’t need management liability insurance because…”

Every time we come across this statement, we find it’s more the result of misinformation around management liability (ML) insurance as a product, rather than a genuine lack of need.

That’s because ML is designed to close a key protection gap for today’s modern businesses: protecting the management of the company, employees and sometimes the entity itself from any allegation for potential wrongdoing which needs to be investigated or defended. As a modular insurance product, it covers directors and officers liability (D&O) including full entity cover, employment practices liability (EPL), fiduciary liability and crime, and also includes CFC’s innovative new executive coverages tailored specifically for senior executive officers including executive reputation protection, executive cyber and executive kidnap and ransom.

To help you convey the full value of ML, CFC asked their experts to state their top myths and reveal how you can respond to them effectively.

1. ‘We’re not big enough…’
Company size is no indication of whether a business will experience an ML claim or not. All it takes is for an allegation of wrongdoing to be made against any director or officer in the course of their management duties, which may need to be investigated or defended—even if the case doesn’t reach court.

Investigating and defending allegation can not only be costly, but the director or officer in question may need to foot the bill themselves if the company is unable or unwilling to assist, or if D&O cover is not in place to protect them.

2. ‘We outsource our HR…’
Some companies choose to outsource their HR departments to a third party, at a lower cost than building a department in house. However, while the third party can establish policies, support recruitment, help with employee relations and so on, it cannot absolve the company from liability for employment-related issues.

In fact, as the third party is not fully immersed in the company’s culture, they are unlikely to recognize issues as they develop. And when the problem is eventually found, it may be too late to resolve. Here, EPL insurance is key in giving support in what could amount to very significant defense and potential settlement costs.

3. ‘We’re a family-run business…’
It’s tempting to think that as a family-run business, there is little chance of any allegations of wrongdoing being made against anyone. However, CFC’s claims data shows this is not the case. In fact, some of their most contentious claims stem from family-run businesses, be it a husband and wife-led business or one that has been passed down through the generations.

It’s possible for family members to pull in different directions, and since the claims that result are often emotive, they can take more time than usual to resolve—and as a result, cost more money. Therefore it’s vital to get the right cover in place, giving the business confidence of financial stability if this type of event does arise.

4. ‘We’re a private company…’
A common belief is that if a business is private, then its liability is limited. However, this applies more to shareholders, who are protected to the extent of their investments, than directors and officers whose liability remains unlimited.

If the company is experiencing an allegation of wrongdoing, does not have D&O insurance in place, and is unable or unwilling to protect them, the directors and officers will have no choice but to support their own defense.

5. ‘It’s too expensive…’
The majority of small to mid-market companies do not require a bespoke product. ML insurance can be fairly standardized, therefore coming at an inexpensive price.

If a company is publicly traded operating in multiple territories, then it stands to reason that its D&O requirements will be more bespoke, influencing the price of the product the company needs. Using the CFC Connect platform, you can now get a bindable ML quote with just a website, revenues and headcount.

Getting started with management liability insurance
Today’s directors and officers are under more scrutiny than ever, as the companies they work for face an increasingly complex landscape of risk. Taking out ML insurance is the best way of transferring away risk, empowering individuals and entities to focus on what matters: their business.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com

Technology, Media and IP trends for 2024

In such a fast-changing world of technology innovation, writers’ strikes and intellectual property (IP) clashes, it can be difficult to see what’s coming next. To help you prepare, CFC sat down with their technology, media and IP experts.

Here are the top five trends they say are shaping 2024 and beyond.

Stabilization for the digital assets sector
In recent years, the digital assets sector has experienced fads from the sudden rise and fall of NFTs to the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. This has created intense cynicism, consumer interest and scams across the market.

In 2024, we expect this trend to die down, as regulators increasingly focus on digital assets, tightening the market and encouraging greater consumer protection. For example, the UK’s FCA is adopting new, stringent rules in marketing crypto assets, motivating businesses to increasingly integrate new technologies into their ways of working—as well as develop technology themselves.

Increased IP litigation in relation to AI training models
Advancements in AI will continue to pose challenges for IP ownership. With today’s AI models collecting billions of data points from across the internet—often with little regard for permissions—there remains more questions than answers when it comes to how IP law will apply to questions of IP ownership. We can usually expect the unexpected when applying established law to modern technology not envisaged at the time the law was developed.

Additionally, it’s still unclear who owns the rights to AI-generated works. Multiple parties have a legitimate claim, and companies in the creative industries are specifically urging their legal teams to chase down instances where their IP is being infringed by AI models. In 2023, claims in this space came thick and fast—from Getty Images claiming millions of its images were copied from its data base without permission to a group of US authors suing Open AI—and we expect that trend to strengthen in 2024.

An influx of content following the end of the Hollywood strikes
Numerous TV shows and film productions ground to a halt due to the 2023 writers’ strike, with the increasing use of AI a key topic of contention. Expect this to have a series of knock-on effects for actors, production companies and adjacent sub-sectors, as AI innovations continue to displace roles on the one hand, and create valuable efficiencies on the other.

With the end of the writer’s strike we can expect an influx of those working in the creative sector such as writers, videographers, film and tv producers to recommence trading. We’re likely to see post-production bottlenecks as companies race to get productions slated, as the industry attempts to right itself after what has been an uncertain period.

Accelerated demand for brand licensing deals
The global brand licensing market is projected to expand from $276 billion in 2021 to over $422 billion in 2031, driven by the need for brand awareness in the digital age, with products and brands often sold on multiple social platforms. We’ll increasingly see companies set up license deals to monopolize their brand, enabling them to enter new territories and create new revenue streams with minimal investment.

As much as brand licensing is a business opportunity, it comes with risk. Using licensed IP beyond the scope of the license agreement can run a risk for both the licensee as well as the licensor which may have conflicting license agreements in place.

Augmented reality to enhance experiences
Despite heavy investment from developers, AR still isn’t widely accepted by the gaming community, with most preferring keyboards and controllers. So why is Tim Cook in Vanity Fair, modelling the latest Apple Vision Pro, and why are companies like Ray Ban pushing their latest sunglasses integrated with AR?

While the global AR gaming market is expected to reach $38 billion by 2027, AR outside of this is expected to hit $60 billion by the end of 2024. Increasingly, we’ll see it transform everyday tasks from buying clothes online to servicing vehicles. What’s certain is that continuous investment in both the hardware and software surrounding this sector will both improve AR technology while making it more affordable.

Getting cover for emerging exposures
The technology, media and IP landscape is changing fast, giving rise to new and evolving exposures that businesses need to address. By looking ahead at what’s next, CFC helps you navigate this complex space with confidence.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com

Management Liability Insurance Guide

Management liability insurance is there to protect the management of the company and its subsidiaries, its employees and sometimes the entity itself. It’s a necessity for any company, big or small.

As regulation around corporate behavior and reporting increases, directors and officers are under more scrutiny than ever before. You don’t need to be guilty to be sued – even unfounded accusations of a wrongful act can lead to significant defence costs.

Download CFC’s latest Canada-specific guide by clicking here to find out why management liability insurance is a must-have for any business.

In the guide you’ll learn about:

What a good policy should include
From employee practice liability to crime, but what about kidnap and random or reputation protection?

Key exposures
There’s more obvious risks that impact directors and officers, these are employees, customers and investors / shareholders. But the lesser obvious include regulators and ESG.

Which industries would benefit from a management liability policy
In short, all of them! But it’s suitable for more industries than you’d think.

Policies in action
Take a look at how the policy would be triggered in these scenarios

Conversation starters
Helpful tips and topics to cover with your clients when talking about the importance of management liability insurance

Common misconceptions
Some businesses think they don’t need management liability insurance, so to help you explain the value to your clients CFC has put together five of the most common misconceptions and how to debunk them.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com

Package Policies: Making Comprehensive Cover Simple

Today’s businesses face a blend of unique exposures. Here’s the simple way to help them get the comprehensive cover they need with package policies.

Since most businesses today are complex entities, the profile of risks they face don’t fit neatly into a single box. We see it across industries. An architect with professional liability (PL) insurance for their day-to-day work can still be vulnerable to risks in the world of cyber. Just as PL for a distributor of medical devices may not cover a product recall event, leaving the firm considerably worse off if an event occurs.

It used to be that businesses needed to purchase separate policies for each risk—a time-consuming and costly endeavor, with multiple policies also making things more complex when you go on to make a claim. Thankfully, there’s a better way. Read on for CFC’s main package policies.

Package policies from CFC

To remove complexity, CFC has developed a series of package policies that list and cover common risks in different industries. For businesses that aren’t certain of the risks they’re set to face, taking out a package policy ensures invaluable peace of mind, while also serving as a one-stop-shop that bundles different coverages into one policy.

That’s not all. CFC can also tailor coverage to a specific business, adding and removing coverages as required to design a product that’s perfect for them.

Professional services

Tailored to cater to the diverse requirements of professional service firms across a spectrum of industries, our policies encompass PL, commercial general liability (CGL), property, business interruption, legal expenses, directors and officers (D&O) and cyber. Find the product brochures below to learn more.


From traditional healthcare exposures to technology E&O, the healthcare sector requires a policy that addresses its unique needs. With healthcare providers holding vast amounts of sensitive data and their reliance on computer systems, cybercrime cover is even more important alongside the package policy PL and CGL cover.

Life sciences

Within a life sciences sector that ranges from natural health products to biotechnology, comprehensive insurance is imperative for businesses to address their nuanced needs. In these package policies, CFC’s standard coverage extends to include bespoke covers specific to the business.

Property and casualty

For businesses confronted with losses from property damage or loss, tailored coverage becomes essential. For manufacturers and distributors specifically, E&O requires specialized protection against a myriad of potential risks.

Technology and media

Paired with comprehensive cyber cover, these two package policies are built to fit modern business exposures. Including traditional property and business interruption cover, with intellectual property (IP) available to add on.

Financial institutions

With the pace of change in financial services leading to large amounts of sensitive data being stored, the right insurance cover is vital in protecting business-as-usual and driving growth. Financial institution package policies combine standard coverages with industry-specific cover such as kidnap and ransom protection.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com 



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