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Jad McGregor Appointed President of ABEX

Jad McGregor

Jad McGregor
President, ABEX

Jim McGregor, CEO and Chairman of ABEX Affiliated Brokers Exchange Inc., is pleased to announce the appointment of Jad McGregor as President.

Mr. Jad McGregor joined ABEX in 2006 where most recently he held the position of VP Business Development. Prior to joining the company, his experience includes several years with an insurance company and working in the London market at Lloyd’s.

Mr. McGregor holds his HBSc from University of Guelph, as well as Chartered Insurance Professional and Certified Risk Manager designations.

In his new role Mr. McGregor will provide strategic leadership and executive oversight for the company. Mr. McGregor’s extensive knowledge and wealth of experience from his previous leadership roles will allow him to shape new opportunities and drive success for the organization.

ABEX Affiliated Brokers Exchange is an insurance wholesaler (MGA) providing niche products and insurance solutions to brokers across Canada. ABEX provides brokers with capacity and specialty facilities to create out of the box solutions for standard and misunderstood risks.

ABEX leads the industry by offering ABEXAccess, a ground-breaking technology that provides secure Real-Time Rating and Paperless Policy issuance through ITS’ BindEasy policy administration system.  ABEXAccess provides a combination of easy access and high efficiency, enabling brokers to submit risks electronically from their office or from the field, using a multitude of devices, including iPad, smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

ABEXAccess.com News: Initial Broker Rollout Starts Today!

ostrich ABEXAccess is a groundbreaking platform for rating and paperless policy issuance, that allows you to quote and issue insurance policies anytime, from anywhere and all in Real-Time! We are excited to be a part of the future of insurance. 

It’s official! 

ABEXAccess is in production starting today, December 16th, with an initial group of Brokers. The rollout will widen to a larger group of Brokers shortly after the Holiday Season in January.

Why is it awesome?

Get ready to receive quotations within minutes and policy issuance with lightning speed! For the first time ever brokers will have the capability to quote and issue full policy documents in real-time.

What products are available?

The first insurance products that will be available through ABEXAccess include our Comprehensive Rental and Off Campus Housing package policies. Other products will follow, including Home Owners, Rental, Builders Risk, and more! 

Want to learn more? 

This is a major milestone achievement and we are thrilled to offer you and your clients a superior experience with ABEXAccess.  

Please click on the links below to learn more about this revolutionary solution for Real-Time rating and paperless policy issuance.

If you are interested in using ABEXAccess early in our rollout to all the Brokers, please contact us at quotes@abexinsurance.com.

Talkin’ Turkey with ABEX!

Turkey DriveEvery family should have a Christmas dinner!

Like you, my colleagues and I in the Kitchener Conestoga Rotary Club (KCRC) believe every family should have a special Christmas dinner, including a turkey.  With the generosity of local businesses and our community, KCRC’s Turkey Drive has raised over $1,200,000 in support of House of Friendship’s Christmas Hamper Program, which provides a gift of food to families in need at Christmas-time.

What is the need in our community?

Here are the facts for the 2013 Turkey Drive.   We need to raise a minimum of $300,000 in the next four weeks to:

  • purchase 3,700 turkeys
  • supply food products for 4,250 hampers
  • recruit 600 volunteers to pack, deliver and distribute the turkeys and hampers
  • help make Christmas just a little better for over 12,000 in our community  

What will that cost?

KCRC’s 2013 Turkey Drive goal is $300,000. We know this is a big goal, but we believe if we all pitch in a little, we will reach this goal, and more importantly reach thousands of local families.  Each donation of $100 will feed a family of four (including a hamper and turkey).  For as little as a donation of $25.00, you can sponsor a turkey (all donations over $20 will receive a charitable tax receipt).  How many families will you help feed? How many turkeys can you sponsor?

How can YOU talk turkey?

Give to the Turkey Drive.  Donate securely online at www.turkeydrive.ca or make your cheque payable to KCRC Turkey Drive and mail to:

Jad McGregor
785 Bridge St., Units 5 & 6
Waterloo, ON N2V 2K1 

Thank you.

Gobble Gobble!

ABEXAccess.com News: Your Policy Renewal Data Will Be Pre-Loaded

Baby Ostrich in EggIn gearing up to our official launch of ABEXAccess.com, we will continue to provide you with information of what your experience will be like with this groundbreaking platform for Real-Time rating and paperless policy issuance.

Why is it awesome?

To help make it easy for you to come on board with ABEXAccess.com, the ABEX team will enter your policy renewal data into the system for you. That way whenever you login to ABEXAccess.com, your policies that are coming up for renewal or have been renewed will already be in the system! 

 How does it work?

As we approach rollout of ABEXAccess.com, the ABEX team will enter policy renewal data into the system. Prior to the renewal, the information collected from your client may be updated before ABEX issues the renewal. As brokers come on board with ABEX, they will be able to see all of their ABEX policies. ABEX understands that brokers all have different workflows and levels of technology and will work with everyone to ensure the best experience and subsequent benefits from using ABEXAccess.com!

Your brokerage will be notified by ABEX when they can start using ABEXAccess.com and receive onboarding information. When you have gone through the onboarding process and login to ABEXAccess.com, you will be able to look up policies for your clients, confirm the policy details, and submit new business to ABEX for referral and policy issuance – all in Real-Time!

Show me!

Below is an example of a screen shot. Information about the new renewal policy will be entered into ABEXAccess.com by ABEX staff.

ABEX staff will issue the policy and send the policy information to you. Once you are onboard with ABEXAccess.com, you will be able to see all of your policy information!  

Renewal Policy

Please click here for a larger image and click here to learn from our blog about other ABEXAccess.com features. 

ABEXAccess.com will be released in the coming weeks, and those interested in test driving it can contact us at quotes@abexinsurance.com

Lloyds Construction Consortium Offering Large Capacity

A killer whale, Orcinus OrcaABEX is very excited to offer large capacity for onshore construction projects, through the Construction Consortium at Lloyd’s.

Four of the market’s most experienced insurers of construction risks have come together to form the Construction Consortium at Lloyd’s, offering capacity to lead risks on major projects.  

Key Benefits

  • Up to US$166 million probable maximum loss capacity (approx. equivalent to a US$664 million participation an a sum insured basis)
  • A lead market for all types of onshore construction projects worldwide.
  • Flexible participations – any consortium syndicate can lead
  • Bespoke wordings for clients and their projects
  • Lloyd’s financial security (A.M. Best A: Excellent, S&P A+: Strong)
  • Rapid service to meet brokers’ deadlines 

 For more information on this or other construction products, please contact us.



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