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Keep Your Suggestions Coming for Name the Ostrich Contest

ABEX is very excited about great response and comments we have received so far for our Name the Ostrich Contest, and our new website

OstrichWe’ve received names from Abe to Zofia and everything in between, as well as this cute picture with the name ‘Ozzie the Ostrich’ attached to it.  The highest number of suggestions we’ve gotten are for Abby, Abe, Oliver, and Ozzie. 

Click here to see all the fun submissions and feel free to vote for your favourite.

It is still not too late to make a suggestion and go down in history as the person who named our mascot, the ostrich.

Visit ABEX’s new website and email us or post your suggestions on our Facebook page or Blog by February 28, 2013 for your chance to win! If your suggestion is chosen, you may win a BlackBerry PlayBook. Also, everyone who submits a suggestion will be entered into a draw to receive a $25 gift certificate from Tim Horton’s.

Click here for full Contest Details and Rules.

Visit Abex’s New Website and Enter Our ‘Name the Ostrich’ Contest

ABEX is very happy to share our fun and informative new website with you! This is an exciting new place for us to keep in touch with you and offer you regular updates on what’s new at ABEX.

We have a great way to kick-off our new website and offer you a chance to win a cool prize: BlackBerry PlayBook. How would you like to go down in history as the person who named our mascot, the ostrich? Here’s your chance. We’d like a name that’s as fun and quirky as our website, and well, as our ABEX team, of course. We’d love to see all the creative ideas out there and have some fun as we come up with a distinctive name for the ostrich.

Visit ABEX’s new website and email us or post your suggestions on our Facebook page by February 28, 2013 for your chance to win! If your suggestion is chosen, you may win a BlackBerry PlayBook. Also, everyone who submits a suggestion will be entered into a draw to receive a $25 gift certificate from Tim Horton’s. 

Click here for more information and for contest rules.


ABEX Building a House for Nicaraguans

ABEX and The Precept Group are proud to be a part of Bridges to Community Canada’s initiative to build houses for impoverished families in Nicaragua.

To build a house that is safe, dry, and secure costs just $4,000! ABEX and Precept are excited to be able to sponsor a house for a family and make their everyday struggle a little easier.

As Rick Bauman of Bridges to Community Canada reflects: “Life to a typical Nicaraguan looks like 50% unemployment, a household income of less than $500 per year, and a home that wouldn’t qualify as a tool shed in your backyard or mine! And this is representative of how 80% of the people in the world live! ‘It’s a world of opportunity, yet I’m struggling to survive.’ You won’t likely ever hear those words spoken by a Nicaraguan – at least not those I’ve met, and I’ve met a few. They tend to be gentle, dignified people who are remarkably content with their lot in life.”


Bridges to Community Canada is a nonprofit organization that has built 115 homes for impoverished families in Nicaragua over the past five years. Over the next five, they aim to raise $1,000,000 to transform a Nicaraguan community.

Right now, they are building a school in El Sasle in northern Nicaragua that currently houses 180 kids in just two rooms. But soon, the school will be finished, and they’ll start building the 40 plus houses that this community desperately needs.

For more information on how you can help, visit:


ABEX’s Meet the Underwriter Open House a Great Success

ABEX hosted our first ever “Meet the Underwriter” open house in Kitchener on December 11th.

We talked about the idea of having an open house in great detail in November, and were considering whether holiday season would be a good time of year to host the event. We were also considering leaving it for January, when people are potentially more available, but then the weather is even less predictable than in December. In the end, we decided that Decembers was going to be it and we are very excited that it turned out to be a very successful event.

The function was a great opportunity for meeting with our brokers face to face and for sharing ideas. We all enjoyed talking with our brokers and look forward to continuing our successful collaboration in the future.

As a result of the idea sharing at the event, we are now considering doing a couple of more open houses in the future and taking them to other areas where we serve, including Toronto, London and Kingston. Even better, we are planning to develop a RIBO accredited presentation, that we could take on the road with us and share with our brokers. Stay tuned for these and more exciting things to come from ABEX in 2013.




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