
Commercial Casualty & Excess Liability

Flexible Coverage for Unique Commercial Risks

Liability Protection for Businesses

In a market where traditional insurance often falls short, our Commercial Casualty & Excess Liability solutions provide tailored coverage for unique risks. Our solution-based underwriting approach offers the flexibility to accept risks that don’t fit the domestic appetite.

Commercial General Liability

Target Classes

Retail & Wholesale Operations
SME Manufacturing
Trades and Contractors
Business and Professional Services

Coverage Highlights

Canadian incorporated and domiciled business with worldwide sales exposure

(No US locations, no US manual work)

Casualty capacity of $10,000,000 available on a primary and/or excess basis, or combination thereof
Focus on SME business with revenues <$25,000,000

(Including up to 50% US sales, depending on class of business)

Higher revenues/limits available on a prior submit basis
Businesses with a minimum 3-year operating experience or related industry experience

Umbrella / Excess Coverage

Target Classes

Retail & Wholesale Operations
SME Manufacturing
Trades and Contractors
Business and Professional Services

Coverage Highlights

Stand-alone Umbrella or Excess Lines available to sit over other General Liability insurance
Ability to schedule Auto (non-transportation / logistics)

Other Specialty

Target Classes

Application Forms

To apply for our General Liability product or renew existing product, or to apply for our Short Period Events products, please complete the appropriate application listed below, and EMAIL it to ABEX.

For more information on these or other Liability products, please contact us.

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