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We’re Using ClearPay!

We’re taking a step forward to make it even easier to do business with ABEX with the roll out of ClearPay.

Did you know that every cheque and associated report you send to ABEX actually costs you about $18 to issue and mail to us? On the other hand, ClearPay is integrated into the majority of broker management systems and is an easy digital solution for less than $2 per payment!

Anytime you need to send funds and underlying policy information to us, ClearPay makes electronic payments easy and far cheaper than cheques.

The software is broker-friendly; you follow your existing workflows in generating disbursements and ClearPay automates the gathering of approvals, report and funds delivery. Once and done from your BMS! At a cost of less than $2 per payment, you’ll be saving approximately $15 per transaction that you spend today with cheques and manual reporting. Saved time can be used to devote to more productive customer services. And, most importantly, it’s a digital solution that presents a modern alternative to cheques and helps ensure accurate application to our customers’ policies.

The table below outlines some of the benefits of using ClearPay over cheques and EFTs:

This is just another step towards making it easier to do business with ABEX!

This platform presents mutual benefits and you can learn more by:

Builders Risk Protective Safeguard Endorsements and Warranties

Builders risk policies may contain protective safeguard and/or warranty endorsements that require insureds to implement specific measures to protect property during construction. Such requirements must be complied with by the insured as a condition of coverage. What do these requirements look like, and what are the implications to stakeholders?

Builders risk insurance underwriters may impose policy restrictions regarding the implementation of specific measures to protect property being constructed or renovated. These restrictions are typically memorialized by a policy condition or warranty1 (hereafter collectively referred to as a “condition”) set forth in an endorsement to a builders risk policy. The purpose of these endorsements (“protective safeguards”) is to impose an obligation on the insured to ensure it will fully comply with specific safeguard(s). Otherwise, coverage will be negated.

Protective safeguards endorsements are nonstandard, and substantial differences exist between insurers and policies. These endorsements are titled in a variety of ways. Some examples include the following.

  • Protective Measures and Safeguards Endorsement
  • Protective Safeguards Endorsement
  • Security and Protective Device Provision
  • Protective Safeguards Warranty Endorsement
  • Protective Safeguards and Services Endorsement

Why Do Underwriters Utilize Protective Safeguard Endorsements?

These endorsements are used for different reasons. Some insurers provide a premium discount for actions that reduce risk. Underwriters want to ensure that such safeguards are implemented and maintained by issuing an endorsement. Other underwriters contend that certain construction projects may not be insurable without imposing mandatory safeguards. Still others simply want to reduce their exposure to loss, and they view these endorsements as a tool to accomplish that.

These endorsements tend to be utilized more on smaller construction projects compared to larger ones. It is uncommon for builders risk policies that insure larger projects to incorporate such endorsements. This is because the loss prevention programs of large project owners, construction managers, and general contractors are more evolved and in tune with the demands of underwriters.

What Causes of Loss Do These Endorsements Apply to?

Each of these endorsements has introductory language that specifies how the endorsement restricts coverage. Some endorsements limit the applicability to one or more specific causes of loss (perils). Other endorsements apply to all perils.

Here is an example of language that applies to specified perils.

Protective Measures and Safeguards Endorsement

You agree to maintain the protective measure(s) or safeguard(s) shown below for the term of the policy. If you do not maintain the protective measure(s) or safeguard(s), we will not cover “loss” caused by or resulting from fire, theft, or vandalism during the period that the stated protective measure(s) or safeguard(s) are not in effect or in working condition.

If you fail to provide or maintain the stated protective measure(s) or safeguard(s), coverage for “loss” caused by or resulting from fire, theft, or vandalism is automatically suspended. This suspension will last until the measure(s) or safeguard(s) are back in operation. (Emphasis added.)

Here is an example of language that applies to all losses.

Protective Safeguards Warranty Endorsement

In consideration of the issuance of this policy, the insured hereby warrants that the Protective Safeguards described in the schedule below for which an X is shown in the corresponding box will be maintained at the job sites designated in the Declarations.

Failure to maintain the Protective Safeguards required would void insurance coverage for any loss which occurs at the jobsites at any time while such required Protective Safeguards are not maintained.

The undersigned authorized representative of the Insured hereby agrees, on behalf of the Insured, to maintain the Protective Safeguards specified above and further acknowledges and agrees that failure to maintain those Protective Safeguards will operate to void coverage for any loss which occurs at the job sites at any time while Protective Safeguards are not maintained there. (Emphasis added.)

The latter policy language is much more restrictive than the former because the warranty applies to any loss that occurs while a protective safeguard is not maintained—coverage is void during such period.

Types of Safeguards

Each of the endorsements set forth the applicable required protective measures/safeguards. These are segregated into the categories identified below. Within each category are actual safeguard wordings taken from builders risk policies and endorsements. Note that some of these requirements are very clear; others are ambiguous at best.


  • You agree to maintain perimeter fencing at minimum of 8 feet surrounding entire jobsite and locked gate(s).
  • The entire Insured Project site will be surrounded with a chain link fence not less than 6 feet in height, suitably anchored in the ground a reasonable distance from insured property. Gates though the chain link fence will be securely locked during nonworking hours.
  • The active construction site is fenced.
  • You will maintain a fence around the entire perimeter of the insured premises. This fence may be constructed of chain link, wood or other suitable material, and must be locked at all times during which normal operations usual to the conduct of your business are not being performed.
  • Enclose the jobsite with a fence at least 6 feet in height.
  • Complete perimeter 6-foot chain link fencing with gates closed and locked during all “nonworking hours.”
  • Fenced jobsite means a fence, not less than 6 feet in height, that completely surrounds the jobsite, with no openings unless gated. All gates to such fence shall be closed and locked, to secure against entry to the jobsite, during all nonworking hours.
  • Perimeter fencing which completely surrounds each job site shown with gates closed and locked during all nonworking hours.
  • A fence with adequate strength and locking gates with a height of at least 6 feet must surround the construction site.


  • You agree to maintain lighting on site.
  • The entire insured project site will be illuminated from sunset to sunrise, each day.
  • The active construction site is lighted from sundown to sunrise once power is available at the site.
  • You will maintain lighting around the entrances to the premises, including gates to fences.
  • Shall illuminate the jobsites sufficiently to reveal the presence of trespassers.
  • Exterior illumination (other than public street lights) providing illumination to all sides of the “project site.”
  • Exterior lighting means the premises shall be provided with lighting that shall illuminate the entire perimeter of the premises, and will be operational during all nondaylight hours.
  • Around the entrances of the building or structure, including fence gates.
  • The construction site must be illuminated by adequate lighting a night.

Detection Systems

  • Operable Burglar Alarm System. You agree to maintain a burglar system connected to central station or monitored by a public or private alarm company.
  • Operable Burglar Alarm System. You agree to maintain a burglar system connected to central station or monitored by a public or private alarm company.
  • Automatic Burglar Alarm. Protecting the entire building or structure, which signals to an outside central station or police station.
  • Automatic Burglary Alarm. Protecting the entire building or structure, which has a loud sounding gong or siren on the outside of the building or structure.
  • Operable Smoke or Fire Detection System. You agree to maintain a smoke or fire alarm system connected to a central station or monitored by a public or private alarm company.
  • Automatic Fire Alarm. Automatic Fire Alarm, protecting the entire building or structure, that is connected to a central station or reporting to a public or private fire alarm station.


  • Automatic Fire Extinguishing System. You agree to maintain the automatic fire extinguishing system.
  • Operational Sprinkler Sprinkler/Standpipe System. When and as required by local fire department/building codes and/or contract documents.
  • Automatic Fire Extinguishing System. Automatic sprinkler system, including supervisory services.
  • Flow Alarm. The insured shall install and employ a water flow alarm on all automatic sprinkler system(s) from the time the system(s) are first filled. The insured shall exercise due diligence in maintaining the water flow alarm in good working order and the Insured shall immediately notify the underwriter in writing when the automatic sprinkler system(s) are impaired.

Fire Hydrants

  • Prior to start of construction, fire hydrants will be installed within the insured project site’s boundaries or within 100 feet thereof and will be connected to a public water supply, tested and fully operational.
  • There will be an operating fire hydrant operating under adequate water pressure within 100 feet of the premises, within __ days after policy inception.
  • Fire hydrants means hydrants installed such that no part of the insured project is more than 500 feet from the nearest hydrant. Installed hydrants must be connected to a public water supply, tested and fully operational.

Video Surveillance

  • Video/surveillance equipment with recording system.
  • Video surveillance monitoring that is around the perimeter and interior of the building or structure and supervised by an independent security service at all times during which normal operations usual to the conduct of your business are not being performed.
  • Internet-based video surveillance and recording be provided by an established supplier.

Security Services

  • Guard Person. You agree to maintain, at your expense, a watchperson at the indicated premise(s) at night and during non-working hours.
  • Guard Person. You will maintain a private watchperson, under your exclusive employ. The watchperson will be on duty on the premises at all times during which normal operations usual to the conduct of your business are not being performed. This watchperson will have a radio, cellular telephone or other communications device allowing instantaneous notification of law enforcement and fire protection authorities.
  • Guard Person. You will maintain a private watchperson, under your exclusive employ within the number of days after policy inception indicated below. The watchperson will be on duty on the premises at all times during which normal operations usual to the conduct of your business are not being performed. This watchperson will have a radio, cellular telephone or other communications device allowing instantaneous notification of law enforcement and fire protection authorities.
  • Guard Person. Employ a watchman to guard the job sites when insured or a contractor representative hired by the insured does not otherwise occupy the sites.
  • Guard Person. The named insured will employ a person, whose sole duty will be the security of any insured project site, who will be on the premises of the insured project site during all nonworking hours. This guard will be equipped with a telephone for immediate use.
  • Guard Person. Watchman or guard on clock stations whose regular patrol route covers all areas of the “project site” at least hourly during “nonworking hours.” The watchman or guard shall have a telephone on premises for his use.
  • Security Service. The named insured will employ a security service with one or more guards on the premises of the insured project site, with a recording system or watch clock, making no less frequently than hourly rounds covering the entire insured Project site during all nonworking hours. The guard or guards will record or have a watch clock record the time of each inspection round. The guard or guards will be equipped with a telephone for immediate use.
  • Security Service. Engage a guard service which shall maintain a representative on the job sites when the job sites are not occupied by the insured, one of the insured’s representatives or a contractor representative hired by the insured.
  • Security Service. Security service means a watchman, or watchmen, making no less than hourly rounds of the entire jobsite during nonworking hours, and maintaining appropriate log(s) of such hourly rounds. Security service shall be required once the erection of walls has commenced at any structure at the insured construction site.
  • Security Service. Private security guard service for each job site with regular patrols of the job site during all nonworking hours.


  • Cutting and Welding. All combustible materials will be moved at least 25 feet away from, the cutting and welding area(s) or will be covered or shielded by noncombustible material.
  • Cutting and Welding. All floor, wall, window and other openings including gaps, cracks, or spaces in the building or structure, within 25 feet of the cutting or welding area(s) will be covered by noncombustible material.
  • Cutting and Welding. Dedicated standby firefighting equipment will be provided at the cutting or welding area.
  • Cutting and Welding. A designated employee, trained in the use of the stand-by firefighting equipment, will be assigned the sole responsibility of fire watch and will remain on duty at the cutting or welding area during cutting and welding operations and at least 60 minutes after such operations are ceased. No hot work permits shall be issued and not hot work activities should be permitted within 2 hours of the end of the workday or the end of a shift.
  • Welding, Brazing, Soldering, and Thermal Cutting. A fire watch person with a UL listed portable fire extinguisher having a rating not less than 2-A/10-B, and trained in its use, will be present at all welding, brazing, soldering and thermal cutting operations and at least for 30 minutes following their completion; such operations shall cease 30 minutes prior to the end of the shift; 20 feet of clearance will be maintained between such operations and any combustible materials that are not permanently installed; adequate temporary protection shall be provided for any permanently installed combustible materials within 20 feet horizontally and for any combustible materials at any vertical distance below such operations.


  • Storage. Fully enclosed locking metal containers whose locks are protected against cutting, or a fully enclosed locked room with double cylinder dead bolt locks will be used for storage of electrical wiring, lighting fixtures, plumbing fixtures, switch panels, and other pilfer able items.
  • Brush Clearance. Brush clearance means all covered property at the project location shall have brush, and any other vegetation, completely cleared, to a minimum of 500 feet, from such covered property.
  • Locks. All points of ingress and egress to and from the building or structure will be gates and locked when normal operations usual to the conduct of the insured’s operations are not being performed. If a gate is unlocked, the insured will ensure guarded access to check credentials.

Which Parties Do These Protective Safeguards Impact?

These endorsements apply to either “named insureds” or “insureds,” depending how the builders risk policy is structured. Since the majority of builders risk policies include the project owner, general contractor, and subcontractors as insureds, one should assume the requirements apply to all insureds.

From a practical standpoint, these endorsements can cause significant problems for stakeholders. Based on my experience with projects and builders risk insurance, the stakeholders are rarely aware that a protective safeguards endorsement is part of the policy.

Unlike builders risk policies issued in Canada and Europe, policies issued in the United States rarely have a “separation of insureds” or a “severability of interest” clause. Such clauses clarify that coverage will remain intact for insureds that do not contribute to a breach of a policy condition or warranty. If there is no such clause in a builders risk policy, it is likely that none of the insureds will be covered if there is a breach of the condition by one of the insured parties.2

What Can Go Wrong?

Stakeholders are commonly unaware that a protective safeguards endorsement is part of the policy. How does this happen? Many reasons exist.

  • The insurance agent or broker that placed the policy is unaware that the proposal and policy contain such an endorsement.
  • There was no mention of the endorsement in the proposal, but the policy is issued with an endorsement.
  • The insurance agent or broker is aware of the endorsement but does not point this out to the policy sponsor (typically the first named insured).
  • The policy sponsor is unaware of the endorsement because it does not read the policy.
  • The policy sponsor is aware of the endorsement but does not inform the other insureds.
  • The builders risk policy is not distributed to other insureds by the policy sponsor.

What Are the Consequences?

If there is a builders risk loss and it is determined that the insured did not adhere to the requirements of a protective safeguard endorsement, it is probable that the builders risk insurer will deny coverage. This often leads to litigation. Insurers are generally successful in denying coverage when unambiguous protective measures are required in a builders risk policy but not adhered to by the insured.

An example is Liberty Ins. Underwriters, Inc. v. Weitz Co., 158 P.3d 209 (Ariz. Ct. App. 2007). Liberty issued a builders risk policy to Weitz, the contractor for four dormitories being built at Arizona State University. The policy contained three warranties that required the contractor to (1) maintain adequate fire extinguishers on the job site, (2) conduct a fire watch during all welding operations or other hot process, and (3) inspect the premises for fire hazards. Each of the warranty endorsements specified that failure to comply with the warranty rendered coverage null and void. After a fire destroyed one of the dormitories under construction, Liberty filed a declaratory judgement action seeking to exclude the loss due to the contractor’s failure to adhere to the warranty endorsements. Liberty prevailed.

In those cases where insureds prevailed, courts found that (1) the protective safeguard endorsements were ambiguous, (2) the insurer knew before the loss that the insured was not complying with the protective safeguards but failed to do anything about it, or (3) the failure to adhere to the required safeguard was not the cause of the loss.

Best Practices

The following actions can help prevent problems and litigation following a loss.

  • If a builders risk underwriter imposes protective safeguard(s) in its proposal, the agent or broker should review the safeguard(s) to better understand what is being required.
  • The agent or broker should attempt to eliminate the safeguard(s) if possible, or at least ensure the safeguards are reasonable for the project.
  • To the extent that the agent or broker is unsuccessful in eliminating the protective safeguard requirements, he or she should educate the sponsor of the builders risk policy by making it aware of the safeguards.
  • The policy sponsor should inform the stakeholders about the safeguard(s).
  • The general contractor should make the subcontractors aware of the safeguard(s) and require its workforce and subcontractors to adhere to the safeguard requirements.
  • The policy sponsor should read the builders risk policy and make it available to all insureds.


Some builders risk policies contain conditions relating to mandatory protective safeguards. These safeguards must be adhered to preserve coverage. But the first step is to make sure that the stakeholders are aware of the safeguards. Agents and brokers can and should serve an important role in this regard.

Source: www.irmi.com


1 Within the context of builders risk insurance, policies may contain warranties, such as a promissory warranty, that certain acts shall be done. Builders risk policies may also contain conditions (e.g., mandatory loss prevention measures) that, while not labeled specifically as a warranty, must be maintained after the risk attaches. For a full discussion of warranties and conditions, see Couch on Insurance, 3d, chapter 81, West Group Clark Boardman Callaghan Pub. 12/96.

2 See my IRMI Expert Commentary article titled “Builders Risk: Separation of Insureds Clause” (May 2015).

Trolling & catfishing: The social media fairy tale with no happy ending

Social media isn’t always a fairy tale, and the veil of anonymity that such channels provide can easily be used for evil, rather than good.

The ease with which channels like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter bring people together is extraordinary, and should be celebrated. However, we cannot ignore the darkness that lurks beneath the online world, particularly with regards to social networks. Social media isn’t always a fairy tale, and the veil of anonymity that such channels provide can easily be used for evil, rather than good.

Lady Gaga was recently quoted as saying that social media is “the toilet of the internet.” Of course, this scathing review disregards the many benefits of social networks, but it does adequately sum up how many users feel about what can, and does, happen within the confines of these sites.

The potential for misuse of online platforms like social networks is huge. It is therefore essential that organizations operating within this space have broad regulatory cover in an evolving legal landscape. Affirmative cover for user generated content is also key, as are policies covering emotional distress or bodily injury.

The digital world is evolving all the time, and with new changes come new pitfalls. Phenomenon like trolling and catfishing are just two examples of the ways in which social media anonymity is being exploited, causing serious harm to those who fall victim, and significant damage to the online platforms used to facilitate abuse.

Companies of course have a moral duty to stamp out such behavior, but their responsibilities extend further than that. Inaction over online harassment may equate to negligence in the eyes of the law, and this is something that tech companies need to be aware of.

Policies regarding digital responsibilities are now integral components in business insurance coverage, particularly in the tech industry. With issues such as trolling and catfishing becoming increasingly prevalent, comprehensive protection must be tailored to the exposures of social media organizations.

What is trolling?

A troll is a person who makes use of the anonymity that the internet provides, in order to share inflammatory, abusive remarks about specific people or groups. It’s a type of online bullying that has become increasingly prevalent with the advent of social networks.

Several high-profile causes have brought the devastating consequences of online bullying to the attention of the global press. In 2014, model and reality television star Charlotte Dawson took her own life, after a lengthy and well publicized battle with online trolls. One night of particularly bad abuse led to her being hospitalized, before her suicide. She said, “It just triggered that feeling of helplessness when the trolls got to me. They got the better of me and they won.’’

In 2017, 14-year-old schoolgirl Molly Russell also took her own life. In the following days and weeks, her family discovered distressing material about depression and suicide on her Instagram account. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Mental Health, Inequalities and Suicide Prevention Jackie Doyle-Price later said that harmful suicide and self-harm content online “has the effect of grooming people to take their own lives.”

What is catfishing?

A type of deception made possibly by anonymity on the Internet, catfishing is a targeted campaign of duplicity. In order to ‘catfish’ another person, a perpetrator creates a fake social networking presence, and designs an entire faux identity to be used online. Often, it is used to target vulnerable people for financial gain. It can also be used as a form of online trolling.

A New York Man who has fallen victim to catfishing harassment at the hands of his ex-boyfriend is now suing tech company Grindr for its part in the abuse. Matthew Herrick endured months of harassment, with fake profiles appearing on the network impersonating him, and strange men being sent to his home and workplace.

Herrick filed 50 complains with Grindr, 14 police reports, and even obtained a temporary restraining order, but it did not end the harassment. Herrick is now arguing that Grindr has violated product liability law. His lawsuit states, “This is a case about a company abdicating responsibility for a dangerous product it released into the stream of commerce. Grindr’s inaction enables the weaponization of its products and services.”

GDPR and the change in digital responsibilities

GDPR is a prime example of the way in which online platforms are coming under closer scrutiny than ever before. This legislation, which sets out a concrete list of data protection and privacy regulations, has been seen as a conscious attack on large tech companies.

In light of changes brought about by GDPR, social platforms must focus on users’ privacy protection, and it’s possible that more laws may be inforced to protect users. All it takes is one claim against a platform for reputations to be irrevocably damaged.

Large data collectors, such as social media sites, are likely to be most affected by the regulations of GDPR. These sites may now face increased regulation, with governments upping their input into what these sites must do. Take user-generated content, for example. Now, it’s down to individual websites to monitor user-generated content on their platforms and remove if necessary. It’s therefore essential that sites like these have the proper coverage to handle claims of negligence.

How are social networks combating online harassment?

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and online dating sites like Grindr have worked to reduce the impact of catfishing and trolling on their platforms. However, there has been admission that not enough work has been done to protect users. The problem is, of course, a difficult one to overcome.

Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey admitted the social media giant had not done enough to banish trolls from the site. Dorsey said, “We’ve made progress, but it has been scattered and not felt enough. Changing the experience hasn’t been meaningful enough. And we’ve put most of the burden on the victims of abuse (that’s a huge fail).”

Users publishing abusive content can be easily banned and blocked, but this doesn’t stop perpetrators from simply creating another fake profile to continue their actions. On dating sites, profiles will often need to be linked to an active social media account, however this too can be easily circumvented by those intent on using the platforms in a negative way.

Some platforms are making changes to tackle abuse and remove harmful content. Instagram, for example, banned images of self-harm after the site received widespread condemnation following the death of Molly Russell. These are welcome changes, however such reforms by social networks tend only to come about as a result of public lobbying in the event of a high-profile case. Much more needs to be done.

The categories of negligence are never closed. Tech companies need be one step ahead in terms of protecting users against trolling, catfishing and other types of online harassment, whilst also ensuring that they themselves have adequate cover should an incident arise.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com


DDoS Attack Leads to Significant Online Sales Shortfall

The dawn of the internet has opened up a world of opportunity for businesses, allowing them to reach new markets and increase their revenues. Along with this, however, has come new risks. With many businesses now increasingly reliant on online sales, they are potentially vulnerable to financial losses should their websites become inaccessible to their customers.

One of the threats posed to businesses with an online presence are distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. DDoS attacks are used by cyber criminals to take down websites with many utilizing what is known as a botnet to do so. A botnet is essentially a network of “zombie” computers that are infected with malware that allows malicious actors to control them without their owners’ knowledge. When DDoS attacks are carried out in this way, the computers that make up the botnet are directed to access a particular website repeatedly and in rapid succession, flooding the website with more requests than it can handle and resulting in it appearing offline to normal internet users.

In the past, botnets were relatively difficult to assemble, but nowadays anyone can hire a botnet from the dark web and command all the computers within it to aim their access requests at a website of their choice. As a result, numerous organizations have fallen victim to DDoS attacks in recent years. For example, in late 2015 the BBC’s website was taken down for a whole morning following a DDoS attack initiated by a group of hackers, while in 2016, HSBC was hit by a DDoS attack that resulted in millions of customers being unable to access HSBC’s online banking services. Most recently, in mid-April 2019, the hacktivist group Anonymous claimed to have been behind DDoS attacks which brought down the websites of the National Crime Agency and the UK Supreme Court following the arrest of Julian Assange.

However, large, multinational corporations are not the only organizations that are targeted in this way. One of our policyholders affected by a DDoS attack was a small retailer of domestic goods. Although the majority of their sales are carried out in store, a sizable portion come from sales through their website.

Hacker fulfills promise of attack after missed email threat

The incident began when an unidentified hacker sent an email to one of the firm’s business email addresses, stating that the company’s website would be taken down within 24 hours unless a payment of $4,000 in Bitcoin was made. However, this email was caught in the company’s spam filters, meaning that it was not initially read by anyone at the company and so no reply was sent to the hacker.

Having not received any response to the threat after 24 hours, the hacker stayed true to his word and looked to initiate the next phase of the attack. Utilizing the massive number of computers under his control via a botnet, the cyber criminal directed the computers to send a vast amount of access requests to the company’s website. Without any DDoS protection in place and as this was only a small business, this flood of internet traffic was well in excess of what the their website could handle. The website was soon overwhelmed and became inaccessible to genuine internet users looking to browse products.


Repeated remedy attempts thwarted

It was the next morning when the policyholder became aware that the website was not appearing to external users. After some initial investigations, it was determined by the company’s IT department that the website was facing a sustained DDoS attack. In an attempt to overcome the issue, the IT team decided to block any internet traffic that came from outside the country in which they were based. This provided a very brief period of respite for the insured, with the website appearing back online, but the hacker responsible refused to give up that easily.

To overcome this new obstacle, the hacker made use of proxy servers. A proxy server acts as an intermediary between an end user and the internet, and essentially allows the end user to go online with a substitute IP address. In this case, the hacker simply switched the blocked IP addresses over to proxy servers that made it appear as if they were coming from the same country as the insured. This meant that the website was inundated with internet traffic once again, resulting in it appearing offline for a second time.

Having discovered that the website was down again, the insured’s IT department tried another tactic to help remedy the situation. This time they changed the website’s IP address, meaning that all of the DDoS related internet traffic was now being redirected to the old IP address. With the DDoS attack now focused on the old IP address, legitimate internet users could now access the insured’s website. However, this proved to be yet another short-lived victory. The attacker was determined to bring the website down and force the insured into making a ransom payment, so after realizing that the insured had changed the website’s IP address, the hacker simply switched the point of attack to the new IP address, swamping the website with internet traffic once more and bringing the site to its knees.

Policyholder enlists the helps of CFC’s cyber incident response team

After several further attempts to counter the attack meeting with little success, it was at this point that the insured got in contact with our incident response team. Our team swiftly directed the insured towards one of our incident response partners that specializes in providing DDoS mitigation services. This service works by providing organizations affected by a DDoS attack with access to a network of data centers with a much higher capacity to absorb the vast amounts of internet traffic being generated by the attack. In addition, the service is also able to establish the difference between legitimate and illegitimate web traffic, thereby blocking malicious requests and allowing genuine internet users to access the affected site. After submitting some key details, the company was able to gain access to this service and within a few minutes their website was up and running again without suffering any further disturbance.

Nevertheless, the company website had been down from 7 o’clock in the morning until just after 4 o’clock in the afternoon, with only a few brief moments of normality in between the hacker’s various attacks. During this time, customers had been unable to access their website and purchase any items online. Despite seeing a resumption of sales in the days after the attack, the insured still suffered a noticeable reduction in overall sales for the month. Having budgeted for $1,126,838 in online sales for the month in question, the insured only achieved sales of $951,632, a shortfall of $175,206. After adjusting the loss to reflect that the business had been slightly behind budget in the weeks preceding the DDoS attack, and following the application of a rate of gross profit of 41%, this resulted in a business interruption loss of $51,506, which was picked up by the insured’s cyber policy with CFC.

How to minimize the impact of a DDoS attack

This claim highlights a few key points. Firstly, it illustrates the importance of businesses investing in some form of DDoS protection, as these attacks are increasing in terms of size and power. Indeed, some hackers are exploiting the rise of connected devices (sometimes referred to as the Internet of Things or IoT), such as cameras, smart TVs, printers and even children’s toys and baby monitors, to increase the computing power at their disposal when carrying out DDoS attacks. Depending on the size of the business in question, DDoS protection can be a relatively inexpensive purchase and is often available to businesses via their web-hosting providers.  Having this protection in place can help reduce the likelihood of an organization’s website being taken down by malicious actors.

Secondly, it underscores the importance of policyholders notifying incidents to their insurer as soon as they can. In this case, the company’s internal IT department initially attempted to deal with the DDoS attack on their own, but unfortunately their attempts were unsuccessful. After the matter was referred to our incident response team, we managed to get the policyholder in touch with a specialist provider and get the website back online very quickly. Had they notified the incident earlier, it would likely have resulted in the incident being resolved without any meaningful interruption or reputational damage to their organization.

Finally, it highlights just how dependent modern businesses are on their digital assets and how important cyber insurance coverage is. The policyholder’s website was only out of action for a single working day yet it still resulted in a sizable business interruption loss. However, traditional insurance policies, such as standard property and business interruption cover, were designed to deal with threats to a company’s physical assets, rather than their digital assets like websites, software programs, data and electronic funds. Cyber insurance fills this gap, providing cover for digital assets against 21st century threats.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com



Healthcare Industry and Bodily Injury

Technology is fundamentally changing the way healthcare is delivered, monitored and addressed. And telemedicine – or the remote delivery of healthcare services – is one of the fastest growing, and most obvious examples of this shift.

While the use of technology can deliver great benefit to patients, it also creates new exposures for both traditional and digital healthcare organizations. And questions around medical responsibility in the event of bodily injury or harm to a patient are still being debated.

What is clear, is that traditional bodily injury coverage triggers have become outdated and are no longer sufficient due to the global rise of technology within healthcare.

Here is how CFC policy addresses each of these unique exposures:

Healthcare services Failure to adequately assess a patient and their symptoms via telemedicine could lead to incorrect diagnosis and delayed treatments. Similarly, if a patient is sending a picture of a physical issue such as a rash, a distorted image could lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

If a patient suffers misdiagnosis, delayed or incorrect treatment as a result of healthcare services provided through remote means, the policy will trigger.

Technology activities Artificial intelligence is now being used to more effectively triage patient conditions, most commonly diagnosing basic illnesses via a chatbot function, however, the way in which a patient describes their symptoms can leave them confused or undiagnosed.

If a patient suffers misdiagnosis, or goes undiagnosed via a chatbot, the policy will trigger.

System outage A failed update or computer system outage could affect remote patient monitoring functions, this could pose a risk to patient’s safety in the event of a medical emergency.

If a system failure leaves you unable to diagnose or treat a patient, the policy will trigger.

Cyber-attack A targeted ransomware attack could deny access to systems and patient data, where patients’ vitals are being monitored and medications prescribed via telemedicine.

If a cyber-attack cripples the telemedicine system or electronic medical records database, meaning patients could be unable to receive repeat prescriptions leading to injury or even death, the policy will trigger.

CFC’s eHealth insurance policy addresses this challenge by providing multiple bodily injury triggers. These include four main areas in which exposures can arise: healthcare services, technology activities, cyber events or system outages.  Please contact your insurance broker for more information.

Source: www.cfcunderwriting.com



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